Tuesday 21 November 2017

Methi soya mutter sabji

Methi 2 bunch
Soya Nuggets 1 small bowl
Green peas 1 small bowl
Onion 2 medium size
Turmeric powder
Garlic flakes 7-8
Green chilly ginger paste 2 tap
Salt to taste

Cut and chop methi leaves fine and keep them aside after washing.
Soya nuggets keep in warm water for 10-15 minutes and then squeeze it to remove excess water
Chop onion and garlic into thin slices and saute the same
Once onion garlic is sauted put green chilly ginger paste in it and mix till it leaves oil from.sides
Then put the soya nuggets in the pan cook for 2 minutes once done put green peas and let it again cook for another 5 minutes on slow flame.
Once this is done put salt and tumeric powder as per taste and mix chopped methi leaves in it.
Close it with lid and let it cool fro some time.
Once done open the lid and fragrance of methi with soya mutter will start which u cannot resist.
So enjoy your dinner and if u like my post do share with me and all.
Critcs and suggestions always welcome

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